Meet Lizzie

If she can do it, I can do it


Hey, I’m Lizzie!

I am a business owner & content creator from Toronto, Canada (born and raised, baby). I left my full-time job at a Toronto Production Company to build my own business - Know Hau Media Operations Inc. with fellow YouTuber Chris Hau. Despite our parents' initial skepticism, we’re now proud to have worked with some amazing clients including Corona, Toyota, Mercedes Benz, Meridian Credit Union, and The Scotland Tourism Board.

Taking my experience as a Producer/Director in the corporate world, and combining it with my skills as a Photographer and Cinematographer, I created my own company - Aluna Media, and began producing content on YouTube, ranging from short films to educational photography and video tutorials. I also love to throw in the fun vlog and Q&A here and there to give my sense of humor the audience it deserves.

My aim with this YouTube channel is to inspire young creators to start their own creative businesses and help provide them with the tips and tools to do so. I’m proud and incredibly grateful to have accumulated a combined audience of over 300,000 followers/subscribers and continue to partner with some of my fav brands including Adobe, Google, and Travel Alberta.

Outside of work - I love to travel and I try to, as much as possible, whether for work or play. I’m excited about trying new healthy recipes and I recently took up weight-lifting! When I am home my day-to-day is spent cuddling my cats and snacking on salt and vinegar chips whenever possible.

My goal with my work and my channel is to help others who want to start that creative project or business. I want to give people their power back, take control of their futures and have fun doing it. Your job can be fun, rewarding, profitable, and fulfilling. I want all people but especially young women to point at me through a screen and say, "If she can do it - I can do it”.


 Social Following

(As of 5 august 2024)



